Friday, October 15, 2010

Lolo Bastruk says "I Love Miss Streisand"

In YATTA, Chrizzy and I started this what we now call "YATTA recital" where some members have to learn songs from different musicales (and soon some dance routines and production numbers) and perform it to the group - performance level! One time, while searching for some broadway songs that I could possibly give to the members as song assignments, I have come across this very familiar song - "Papa can you hear me" (A Piece of Sky). I remember this song was sung by Kyla  in one of her more intimate concerts where she performed a medley of some Barbara Streisand hits (see Kyla's performance here).

I do not know that much about Barbara Streisand, but I'm a fan of her amazing voice that can carry both contemporary pop and broadway songs beautifully. I know few of her songs and versions of some great hits, but after listening to this song I became curious about her and the movie.

I screamed in facebook asking for a copy of the movie Yentl, and thanks to Ranran I found a way to get a copy of the movie. I watched it and I loved it! Barbara sang Papa Can You Hear Me with full of emotions and I broke down in tears in this part of the movie because I remember my late father. The movie was also very moving especially that it talks about doing what you think is right despite the possible negative judgment of your community. I can relate to the movie that's why it has become an instant favorite of mine. I hope you can watch this movie too.

Some critics say that the essence of the movie has been overshadowed by the ego of Miss Streisand (it was a musical but only Miss Streisand sang in the movie - except maybe that part where Hadass did some humming). Well, I can't blame her. She was already THE Barbara Streisand when she did this movie, and she directed this movie too! It didn't destroy the movie at all in my opinion. It was just the fulfillment of an artist's dream - a movie with strong orientation supported by great music and superb performance by a legendary artist.


YENTL (photo from

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